Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Done Cleaning the Road!

On Nov. 6th, I helped clean a road up in Maple Valley, WA. Tyler C. was in charge of this project. What I did was walk along a road with two others( Nina and Lina) and pick up any trash we found along the way. What we picked up and found ranged from chairs, car parts, and many many alcoholic drink cans, to foil, candy wrappers, and cirgarette buds.
We were on the road hoping that no one thought we were convicts but only volunteers doing good for the community. From helping this project, I learned how we humans slowly are just contaminating our world. Looking from the car as we drive by, we don't see the small details. We don't see the trash and harmful items we throw out the window or throw on the ground just because we are too lazy to find a trash can. Everything that could be picked up helps. Every little bit counts. I learned that I shouldn't be one of those people who just are too lazy to find a trash can. I should help protect this beautiful, fragile place we live on. And as I was in the car on the way home, I became more aware of what was around me. And I noticed much more than I saw before... all the trash that we leave behind.

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