Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get-together Completed!

I held the sophomore get-together on 11/12/10 from 4 to 6pm. It was a fun night filled with popcorn, chips, soda, sweet stuff, and more! We had a variety of movies to choose from but decided on the Pink Panther at the end. I really enjoyed putting together this project because it was a nice way to just be with my classmates and have a relaxing time munching on food and laughing at the funning scenes. I’m really glad Mrs. Fitz was able to be there for this project. Although it was fun, not very many people showed up, this was a bit disappointing.

There were barriers that I had to face during this project. Many of them were out of my control though. I was able to go around and tell some people about the get-together and also made signs for the get-together. The barrier was that many people’s schedules conflicted with the time set for the get-together so they were not able to come. There were also people who backed out the last minute due to other arrangements. Furthermore, many people forgot that it was this Friday and not the next Friday. Some just complained that they did not hear about it. But doesn’t anyone read signs?!

Learning from these barriers, next time I would improve some things. I would try better to make sure that everyone is aware of the event so they can’t say that they never heard of it because apparently they are not aware enough to read signs. I also would better plan ahead on who is bringing what food so I now there is enough to go around. (We did not have a shortage of food but I was afraid we would if more people came)

From putting together this project, it has helped me learn a lot from what skills are needed to what I need to improve on. For this project, I needed to speak up and take initiative. It takes organizational skills and planning in order for the project to successfully come together. I learned that I need to be more confident and speak up. If I want something or for people to notice, I need to raise my voice. Also, I learned that I need to be more organized as well. I was initially going to have people sign up for what food they wanted to bring so I knew but it fell apart in the end. Too many people didn't have time or couldn't come at the last minute so I just got a few more things and had people just bring stuff if they wanted.

I hope to learn from these weaknesses and skills to better improve my next project.

Here are some pictures of the get together:

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